My passion has always been to help others live a healthier lifestyle. I love working with people and feel significantly rewarded when I can help people change their life.
Coming from a strong sport and physical fitness background I had a very black and white thinking pattern when defining 'health'. During my graduate work, my definition of 'health' started to shift. I started to realize that 'health' is just not about physical fitness; it actually includes a multitude of dimensions including emotional, mental, spiritual health and many others! And if one of these dimensions is out of whack than the other areas will never function at 100% either!
I now have a very open mind when I think about what it means to be healthy. The good thing is that there is not a cookie cutter form out there that everyone has to fit in! Everyone will have his or her own unique journey while finding and practicing a healthy lifestyle!
My hope is that this blog will help motivate those who are looking to achieve optimal health and improve their quality of life. Since my passion lies in physical fitness, most of my motivation and advice will revolve around this topic area. However, my goal is to expand beyond this and provide motivation in other areas of health, and prove to you how physical fitness and movement can boost and improve your overall health and happiness!
Cheers to starting your journey to a healthier lifestyle!