Well, it’s been way to long since I have posted anything on this here blog of mine – I guess you can say, life got busy and a few things hit the ‘back burner’! There are two things though, that I have stuck with through my crazy schedule and the holidays and those are eating healthy and exercising.
My friend Kelly told me about these mock mashed potatoes a while ago and I had been dying to make them, so finally one night I whipped up a batch for Marcus and I. They went along really well with our roasted veggies and grilled salmon. If you are a mashed potato lover, these are a must try for sure! I decided to call them ‘cauliflower mash’.
Cauliflower Mash
1 head of cauliflower steamed
Olive oil
Fresh rosemary- chopped finely
Garlic Powder
Turmeric (may change the color of the cauliflower depending on how much you add)
1 spoonful of cream cheese
Black pepper
Steam the cauliflower and set in mixing bowl. Add in all other ingredients and mash with a masher or mix with a hand held mixer. Take a taste; if you feel it’s missing something add it in. I don’t use salt much when I cook, so some may prefer to sprinkle in a little salt.
A few weeks ago I ran the P.F Chang Rock n Roll ½ marathon in Phoenix. It was a great race for all – my mom walked 2 miles farther than last year, my aunt and 2 uncles finished the race and I ran my fastest ½ marathon to date!! I owe my speediness to another friend of mine named Kelly as well. She was my 5am morning speed work partner while I was training for the race. Below is one of my favorite speed work days that we completed (I think we did this at least twice).
½ mile warm-up - easy
2 x ¾ mile @ 7:47 pace
3 x ½ mile @ 7:47 pace
4 x ¼ mile @ 7:47 pace or faster (after doing the other sets, these seems to
fly by)!
Walk 1-2 minutes in between each set, or until you feel ready to go again.
No matter now busy life gets, always make time for your nutrition and fitness!
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