Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Solid as a Rock!

The plank is one of my all time favorite exercises.  It is simple, challenging, requires no equipment, and therefore, can be done pretty much anywhere and anytime.  What makes the plank even more amazing is that it works the whole entire body in just one move!  Below are step-by-step instructions on how to successfully execute this exercise.
  • ·      Begin lying face down on the floor or on an exercise mat
  • ·      Lift yourself upward, coming on to your toes and forearms
  • ·      Pull your navel inward, tightening you whole abdominal and lower back area
  • ·      Squeeze your glutes, quads, and lower body as tight as you can
  • ·      Relax your shoulders and pull them away from your ears, focusing on contracting your shoulder blades down to you mid-back area
  • ·      Pull your abdominals in even farther
  • ·      Now that your whole body is in a straight line and as tight as it can be, remember to breath and focus your mind into the pose (if your muscles start to shake, this is okay, it just means they are working!)
  • ·      Hold for 30-60 seconds and repeat 3-5 times

If you are looking to add additional challenge to this move try the following;
  • ·      Lift your hips to the ceiling, hold for a few seconds, then come back down to the original plank position
  • ·      Raise one leg off the floor, hold for a few seconds, and then switch to the other leg.  Repeat 10 times each leg.
  • ·      Bring your left knee into your chest contracting your abdominals, extend your leg back out and switch to the right.  Repeat 10 times each leg.

 Things to keep in mind;
  • ·      While in plank, make sure your low back does not start to sag towards the floor, if this happens, lift your hips higher and contract your abs in as tight as you can.  You can also drop down to your knees for additional support, remember to keep your core straight and contracted.
  • ·      Avoid strain in your neck and shoulders by making a conscious effort to pull your shoulders down away from your ears.
  • ·      Always, always remember to breath, even when the pose becomes more challenging, continuing to breath will help you through.


  1. How would I do a modified Plank? Kris

  2. To perform a modified plank you would follow the same steps as above, but instead of being on your toes and forearms you would drop down to your knees and forearms. In this position, you should be in a straight line from your knees to the top of your shoulders, and continue focusing on pulling your abdominals in as tight as you can.

    Hope this helps!

